Friday, September 21, 2012

Just catching up...

Today I woke up an hour before I was supposed to, because I forgot I am allowed to sleep in on Fridays. Awesome... So now I'm wasting time before going to school.

The language is getting easier and easier, and I'm learning more and more. I try to talk to people on Facebook in Portuguese a lot, to practice my conversational Portuguese, and I almost never need the translator for that. A lot of times, the hard part is getting the structure of the sentences right. Sometimes when you're just tired and don't want to be speaking Portuguese anymore, you just throw all of your words in a sentence, and hope the people can understand what you're trying to say, because you just don't want to have to think anymore.

The people in school are finally starting to speak to me in Portuguese... sometimes... However, in my volleyball class, people say even the simplest words to me in English. Things such as "go!" and "hello" and "I'm sorry." I know they probably just want to be able to practice their English with me, but I really wish they wouldn't, so I could learn Portuguese!

Tomorrow, all of the inbound exchange students are meeting to hike Urca and go to see Pão de Açúcar as a Rotary trip. I'm really excited to spend a day with the other exchange students, and to see such a famous landmark of Rio.

In school, it is the second semester, and after just coming back from winter break, no one was very focused or ready to do work. Now, however, things have calmed down a bit, and people are started to refocus on schoolwork and grades.

It is starting to get hotter in Brazil, as winter comes to an end. Two days ago, we had record breaking temperatures for the year in Rio, 44 degrees Celsius. (111.2 Fahrenheit) (I didn't even know it was that hot until I converted it just now... WOW!)

5 weeks and 6 days in Brazil today!

Celia :D

1 comment:

  1. Great posting, your blog is really wonderful. I need to have my son read it so he can hear about Brazil. Hopefully he will do a senior year exchange.
