Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some observations

I've noticed some things here in Brazil that I thought were worth pointing out.

  • For every meal, they don't just have a couple of foods to eat, they have many different types. They almost always have rice and beans, plus some sort of meat, vegetables and a starch. 
  • They almost always "sobremesa" or dessert. 
  • When they eat a meal, they try to get all of the different foods on their forks; nothing is eaten separately
  • School is different from school in America, because they have different classes every day. 
  • The women, for the most part, never go out of the house without their hair done and their faces made-up. 
  • Most apartment buildings have a floor called a "playground," the sole purpose being for parties
  • Bars do not card patrons, they serve to minors. 
  • Many, many women wear bright or patterned bras under white shirts. 

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