Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just some quirks... Quirks. That's a good word.

When you are in traffic, people walk through the cars trying to sell things to you. They sell anything from candles to cold drinks.

There is an abundance of "suco" here. Suco is juice, and everyone is crazy about it. There are hundreds of juice shops (essentially) all over my neighborhood alone, and they make pretty much any fruit into a juice.

On the beaches, you can get "agua de coco": take a coconut, cut a hole in it, stick a straw in it, drink. I'm not a fan, but most people are.

Food! I have yet to have a lunch where I didn't have rice. I have had maybe 3 without beans, but rice is definitely a constant! The food here is sooo amazing, and I haven't tried much I haven't liked, save the Globo Biscoitos. Eu não gosto deles.

Cariocas, or those born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, have a different dialect of Portuguese than the rest of Brazil. It is hard to explain in words, but for example: Portuguese in Portuguese is Portugues. (Say that 3 times fast.) The Cariocas say it "Porh too gaysh" whereas people from Sao Paulo say "por too ges". Two is dois. Carioca: "doish" Sao Paulo: "dois". And so on.

That's all for now!

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