Friday, January 18, 2013


I went to Paraty, RJ for 4 days in December! 

The first night, we just went into the town and walked around a bit, had some dinner, watched the people dance. 

 Second day, we went on a boat tour of the islands and swam in the warm waters, it was really great! A little hot though.
 Our boat! Nosso barco!

 Someone else's boat, ours was without a second floor I believe. I put this photo in here to show the color of the water.

 The canal in the city at night.
 The canal in the daytime. Is this a canal or a river? I know not!
 Nossa pousada, or our bed and breakfast.
 The beach! Praia Meia, if I remember correctly. Day 2, but I was literally so tired that I couldn't stay awake...

 Trekking our way to the "cachoeira" or waterfall/waterslide.
 O cachoeira (the waterfall)
 It was really strong! Right behind it there was a little nook that you could sit in.
Paraty was about 4 or 5 hours away from Rio, and I went by car with my second host mom and some family friends.

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