Saturday, August 11, 2012

In Brazil!

In Brazil!

After a long, tiring flight, filled with crying children and very bright television screens, I made it to Brazil in one piece! Lots of people in the airport were very nice and helped me, which was great. I met my family, and then we went home to the apartment, where I found my room and called my parents. From there I went to Ipanema beach with Jarbas and Jarbinhas (Jarbas Jr), and had pineapple juice and walked the length of the beach, seeing every single woman in a bikini, no matter their size. Just had lunch, of meat, beans, rice, vegetables, and little potato french fry things. It was all very, good, and Jarbas, my host brother, ate about 3x as much as me! We then had dessert, and Jarbinhas (host brother) went to take a nap, and I am blogging.


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