Saturday, December 29, 2012

Northeast Trip part 2

From Lençois we went to Maceió, where we visited the beach, went to natural pools in the ocean, and shopping in a small fair.
The Natural Pools in the ocean
Piscinas Naturais
 The boats to get us to the natural pools
 The beach!
 Traditional Northeastern food, tapioca. I got chocolate and strawberry :) (chocolate e morango)
We drove out dune buggies to here, so beautiful. 
Our buggies!

From Maceió, we went to Salvador, the capital of Bahia. Salvador is the first colonial capital in Brazil, and one of the oldest cities in the Americas.
 Our hotel in Salvador.
 Project Tamar (Projeto Tamar) "The main objective of the project is to protect sea turtles fromextinction in the Brazilian coastline."
Project Tamar More Information

 The boys trying out tight rope walking!
 The view from our hotel.
 McDonalds... super fancy?
 Igreja de Nosso Senhor do Bonfim

São Francisco Church, considered to be the richest “gold church” in Brazil.

Talent Show! The people from Australia and New Zealand took 3 people from the audience, and made them try vegemite.
Jordan (Canadian) did a dance of how dancing has changed through the years, from Elvis to ridiculous dancing today.
Just (The Netherlands) showed us his juggling talent.
The Danish people did... this... Some kind of dance, I don't remember what the significance was :)
Germans dancing!
Landon (American) and Fin (German) dancing the dougie.
Ana and Sebastian (Denmark) dancing.
Getting ready in the morning, French style. (With the help of Florent, Belgium)
Sebastian (Columbia), Alexander (Denmark), and Dave (USA) did impersonations of people on the trip.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Northeast Trip part 1

I just got back from a trip of the Northeast of Brazil for 20 days, and I'm going to write about it in installments, because I just don't have enough of an attention span to do it all at once. Vamos comencar.

 Our first hotel, in Belo Horizonte, where we stayed 2 nights (I think)
We didn't really do anything here, just meeting the other exchange students, medical tests, and just free days at the hotel with an amazing pool. We went to our orientation for 5 hours, and we also had funk dance and another traditional dance class.
Our first day on the bus! 
We went from Belo Horizonte to Lencois, Bahia. In Lencois, we went snorkeling and ziplining (I only did snorkeling). We went to a cave as well, with lots and lots of walking, which was really nice.


 Lapa Doce

We also went to Chapada Diamantina, which is like Brazil's Grand Canyon. It was incredibly windy, but such an amazing view, and a very beautiful place.
 Our 5 Star Hotel!
We went to a natural waterslide, which most people complained hurt to go down, but it didn't hurt me at all. Some girl's shorts ripped, as well, but I just didn't have these problems. :) It was really fun, and a really nice trip.

 We also had a presentation of capoeira, a traditional Brazilian martial art.